မာတိကာသို့ ခုန်သွားရန်

ထာမ်ပလိက်:Cite act/doc

နူ ဝဳကဳပဳဒဳယာ
Citation Style 1 templates
{{Cite arXiv}} arXiv preprints
{{Cite AV media}} audio and visual media
{{Cite AV media notes}} AV media liner notes
{{Cite bioRxiv}} bioRxiv preprints
{{Cite book}} books and chapters
{{Cite CiteSeerX}} CiteSeerX papers
{{Cite conference}} conference papers
{{Cite encyclopedia}} edited collections
{{Cite episode}} radio or TV episodes
{{Cite interview}} interviews
{{Cite journal}} academic journals
{{Cite magazine}} magazines, periodicals
{{Cite mailing list}} public mailing lists
{{Cite map}} maps
{{Cite news}} news articles
{{Cite newsgroup}} online newsgroups
{{Cite podcast}} podcasts
{{Cite press release}} press releases
{{Cite report}} reports
{{Cite serial}} audio or video serials
{{Cite sign}} signs, plaques
{{Cite speech}} speeches
{{Cite ssrn}} SSRN papers
{{Cite techreport}} technical reports
{{Cite thesis}} theses
{{Cite web}} web sources not covered by the above
See also

Specific-source templates

Wrapper templates

This template allows for the easy citing and linking to of acts.

{{cite act |type= |index= |date= |article= |article-type= |legislature= |title= |script-title= |trans-title= |page= |url= |language=}}
{{cite act 
| type = 
| index = 
| date = 
| article = 
| article-type = 
| title = 
| script-title =
| trans-title = 
| page = 
| url = 
| language =
{{cite act
| url = http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32000L0013&from=EN
| title = The approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the labelling, presentation and advertising of foodstuffs
| legislature = The European Parliament & Council of the European Union
| date = 20 March 2000
| article = II
| article-type = Annex
| index = 2000/13/EC
| page = 29-42
| type = Directive

will display as:

"The approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the labelling, presentation and advertising of foodstuffs", Annex II, Directive No. 2000/13/EC of Error: the date or year parameters are either empty or in an invalid format, please use a valid year for year, and use DMY, MDY, MY, or Y date formats for date. The European Parliament & Council of the European Union, 29-42။ 

All main parameters specified, standard wording

[ပလေဝ်ဒါန် တမ်ကၞက်]
{{cite act
| title = [[Autonomous Municipalities Act of 1991]]
| index = 81
| language = es
| date = {{date|1991-08-30|mdy}}
| article = 1.006
| page = 29–42
| url = http://www2.pr.gov/presupuestos/presupuesto2012-2013/PresupuestoRecomendado2013/suppdocs/baselegal/036/036.pdf
| access-date = 2012-12-21
| archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20170215015949/http://www2.pr.gov/presupuestos/presupuesto2012-2013/PresupuestoRecomendado2013/suppdocs/baselegal/036/036.pdf
| archive-date = 2017-02-15

will display as:

"Autonomous Municipalities Act of 1991", Article 1.006, Act No. 81 of Error: the date or year parameters are either empty or in an invalid format, please use a valid year for year, and use DMY, MDY, MY, or Y date formats for date (in es), 29–42။ 

{{cite act
| title = [[Autonomous Municipalities Act of 1991]]
| index = 81
| language = es
| date = {{date|1991-08-30|mdy}}
| url = http://www2.pr.gov/presupuestos/presupuesto2012-2013/PresupuestoRecomendado2013/suppdocs/baselegal/036/036.pdf
| access-date = 2012-12-21
| archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20170215015949/http://www2.pr.gov/presupuestos/presupuesto2012-2013/PresupuestoRecomendado2013/suppdocs/baselegal/036/036.pdf
| archive-date = 2017-02-15

will display as:

"Autonomous Municipalities Act of 1991", Act No. 81 of Error: the date or year parameters are either empty or in an invalid format, please use a valid year for year, and use DMY, MDY, MY, or Y date formats for date (in es)။ 

{{cite act
| index = 81
| language = es
| date = {{date|1991-08-30|mdy}}
| url = http://www2.pr.gov/presupuestos/presupuesto2012-2013/PresupuestoRecomendado2013/suppdocs/baselegal/036/036.pdf

will display as:

Act No. 81 of Error: the date or year parameters are either empty or in an invalid format, please use a valid year for year, and use DMY, MDY, MY, or Y date formats for date (in es)။ 

{{cite act
| index = 81
| year = 1991
| url = http://www2.pr.gov/presupuestos/presupuesto2012-2013/PresupuestoRecomendado2013/suppdocs/baselegal/036/036.pdf
| access-date = 2012-12-21

will display as:

Act No. 81 of Error: the date or year parameters are either empty or in an invalid format, please use a valid year for year, and use DMY, MDY, MY, or Y date formats for date 

{{Cite act
| title = Kuntalaki
| trans-title = The Local Government Act
| index = 410
| date = October 4, 2015
| article = 4
| url = http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2015/20150410
| language = fi

will display as:

"Kuntalaki", Article 4, Act No. 410 of Error: the date or year parameters are either empty or in an invalid format, please use a valid year for year, and use DMY, MDY, MY, or Y date formats for date (in fi)။ 

Non-Latin-based script name with romanization

[ပလေဝ်ဒါန် တမ်ကၞက်]
{{Cite act
| type = Ordinance
| index = 807-IX
| date = 17 July 2020
| legislature = [[Verkhovna Rada|Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine]]
| title = Pro utvorennya ta likvidatsiyu rayoniv
| script-title = uk:Про утворення та ліквідацію районів
| trans-title = On formation and liquidation of Raions
| url = https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/807-20
| language = uk

will display as:

"Pro utvorennya ta likvidatsiyu rayoniv", Ordinance No. 807-IX of Error: the date or year parameters are either empty or in an invalid format, please use a valid year for year, and use DMY, MDY, MY, or Y date formats for date (in uk). Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 

Non-Latin-based script name without romanization

[ပလေဝ်ဒါန် တမ်ကၞက်]
{{Cite act
| type = Ordinance
| index = 807-IX
| date = 17 July 2020
| legislature = [[Verkhovna Rada|Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine]]
| script-title = uk:Про утворення та ліквідацію районів
| trans-title = On formation and liquidation of Raions
| url = https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/807-20
| language = uk

Ordinance No. 807-IX of Error: the date or year parameters are either empty or in an invalid format, please use a valid year for year, and use DMY, MDY, MY, or Y date formats for date (in uk). Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 

This template allows the easy citing of legislation.


This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.


The type of act cited, to be used if the legislation isn't called an act, such as in bills. When citing a specific section, use the name of that specific section, be it Directive, Clause, Article, etc.

Indexindex number

The index of the Type parameter. For when citing specific sections, this is the specific index of that section, and so if you're specifically citing clause '''A/500 - B''', that'll be what is written in this field.

Datedate year

The date the legislation was passed, unless there's some other date or year that appears in the name of the act. Must be in DMY, MDY, MY or Y date format.


The path of articles leading to the cited article abbreviated; doesn't mentions section types such as chapter, section, article, etc.

Article typearticle-type

The type of the highest ranking article in the article path. Only appears if the Article parameter is set to something.


The legislature that passed the cited act or article.


A unique given name of the specific cited act or article

Script namescript-title

For names in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet. Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon.

Translated nametrans-title

A translated title of the name. For non-English acts.

Pagepages page

Page number or range.


URL where the legislation may be found.


The language the act or article is written in.

Other date formatodf

Set to 'yes' to override the formatting requirement for the Date parameter, allowing to use YMD. Use only in special cases when it is important to keep consistency in reference date formats AND there's no date associated with the law except the date it was passed.
